Does Your Ramp Meet ADA?
ADA (American with Disabilities Act) Guidelines were designed by the US Government to insure safe and accessible design. Armada Systems meet or exceed all these requirements to give you the safest systems available. Feel free to call us with any questions or visit for more information
Check with local codes for any restrictions on the installation of a ramping system.
Check the total rise of the porch or steps on the evaluation site. Be sure to include the threshold at the door into the overall rise of the system.
To meet ADA codes you must have 1 foot of ramp run for every 1 inch of rise. There are exceptions to this rule only if there are space restrictions. So if a porch and steps have a total rise of 24 inches, 24 feet of ramping would be required. This does not include any platforms that may be necessary for the ramp system.
To meet most codes, a level area must be located at the top and bottom of a ramp. If a porch is not present at the top, a platform should be placed over the steps in front of the door.
No run of over 30 feet is allowed without an intermediate resting platform. This platform may be a straight or turn platform. The resting platform must be at least 60 inches in length and as wide as the ramp that is leading up to it.
Any platform that changes direction must be at least 60 inches by 60 inches.
Handrails are required on any rise over 6 inches or ramps that are over 6 feet in length.
Handrails are required on both sides of the ramp with continuous rails on switchback and dogleg platforms.
Handrails are strongly recommended on any ramp. As a guide, AlumiRamp, Inc. provides sample configuration sheets to assist on ramp design. If you are in need of assistance, contact your authorized AlumiRamp, Inc. dealer or call us directly at the factory.